Learning Foveated Reconstruction to Preserve Perceived Image Statistics
Luca Surace, Marek Wernikowski, Cara Tursun, Karol Myszkowski, Radosław Mantiuk, Piotr Didyk Transaction on Applied Perception, 2023
PhD candidate in Computer Graphics & Human Perception
I am a PhD candidate in Computer Graphics at USI Lugano, Switzerland.
In this website, still in progress, I publish some info about my research as well as extra stuff that I do or I like, e.g. gaming prototypes, music, teaching, sport...
This website is intended as a half way between a personal page and a blog. Other than content on computer science, it is going to contain flashes of various topics.
I work in the Perception, Display and Fabrication group led by Prof. Piotr Didyk. My PhD is supported by ERC Starting Grant, PERDY project. My current studies focus on optimizing the graphics content for immersive displays by investigating the perception of human visual system. This not only enhances the quality of the rendering but also facilitates the design of very efficient rendering techniques. Particularly, I have worked on gaze-contingency paradigm and foveated rendering. Before coming in Switzerland, I worked on the Air-Cobot project and obtained a MSc from University of Calabria (Italy) with a thesis focusing on emotion recognition (University of Plymouth, UK).
Luca Surace, Marek Wernikowski, Cara Tursun, Karol Myszkowski, Radosław Mantiuk, Piotr Didyk Transaction on Applied Perception, 2023
Luca Surace, Cara Tursun, Ufuk Çelikcan, Piotr Didyk
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2023
Luca Surace, Massimiliano Patacchiola, Elena Battini Sonmez, William Spataro, Angelo Cangelosi
19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2017
Francesco Calimeri, Claudio Stamile, Luca Surace
IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2017
You will do cool things like ray-tracing, cloth simulation and the legendary rendering competition (2022, 2023).
When you print a 3D object, not everything goes well. To know why and how to solve the problems, as well as create a 3D model without a scanner, you should attend this course.
I guess you would like to know how to implement a bubble sort.
The objective of the bachelor's project is to develop an interactive tool for drawing 2D closed shapes. Each closed shape can be represented with a series of elliptic functions. The higher the number of ellipses in the sequence, the more precise the approximation of the shape is (see the figure). The tool should, given the state of the current drawing: